Bakersfield College
Rent our Facilities!
Please look at the Rental Categories and select which type is appropriate for your use. Your request should be submitted at least thirty (30) working days before the date of the event. Your event request will be reviewed, and you will be notified when it has been approved.
Please read the Board Policy/Procedures and the Facility, Equipment, and Service Fee Schedule related to event scheduling prior to submitting this form. Including parking information, rental use application and alcohol use permit.
Also, please remember that use of College property shall be primarily for educational programs and any use for other than College purposes shall be secondary to this primary purpose. Final approval for use of College facilities can not be granted more than three (3) months in advance or until the class schedule for the academic term has been published. Failure to notify the facility coordinator of modifications or cancellations at least 72 hours before an event is scheduled will result in the requesting group or individual being held financially liable as if event had been held.
Please select the statement below that most accurately categorizes the event you are requesting (your categorization will be reviewed by the facilities coordinator, and as needed by the Executive of Administrative Services, and/or President.
Group I: College Program Authorized District/College staff, students and foundations that support the mission of the District will be offered the highest priority and shall be granted use of District/College property without charge, except if any use requires excess costs. A charge for such services may be made. A request from a District/College staff member or student organization may be charged when the use of the facility is for events or functions that are not part of a class or instructional program.
Group II: Rentals Applicants for authorized public agencies and nonprofit organizations organized for cultural, educational or recreational activities. Proof of nonprofit status may be required. Proof of insurance shall require such applicants to provide the Kern Community College District with a Certificate of Insurance that provides liability coverage with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). The certificate must list the Kern Community College District as additional insured, and must be accompanied by an endorsement.
Group III: Commercial, For-profit organizations and events Commercial, for-profit entities and other applicants not covered by the law will be charged Group II rates (rental charge, and actual costs, plus excess costs.) College and District business officers are also authorized to negotiate with these applicants agreements that have Group II rates as a minimum and allow for a percentage of gross revenue. Proof of insurance shall require such applicants to provide the Kern Community College District with a Certificate of Insurance that provides liability coverage with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). The certificate must list the Kern Community College District as additional insured, and must be accompanied by an endorsement.
Bakersfield College1801 Panorama Drive
Bakersfield, California 93305
Meeting Spaces
Meeting Spaces
Campus Center
Fireside Room
Renegade Park